Monday, March 15, 2010

A new role :)

I just spent the past 6 hours acting as the proxy for a friend's husband in hypno-birthing class.

Just imagine the curiousity that materialized in the minds of our classmates when Carli and I walked into class together... And when they pulled out the knitted (sample) uterus and I started asking questions about where your cervical lining dissapears to... And the size of my eyes as we watched live birthing video after live birthing video! Deep breaths (4 seconds in, 8 seconds out).

Despite being a fish out of water, I survived and I actually enjoyed it!
Here are a few tidbits I gathered in class today that I thought my mom-friends would find interesting:

- When you go to a birthing class at the hospital they teach you how to be a good patient. This is not the same thing as teaching someone how to have a great birthing experience.

- Pick a lulabye to sing to your child (in utero) when you are stressed. Use that same song with your child after they are born to calm them down. Likewise, pick a lulabye to sing to your child (in utero) when it's time to go to sleep. Use that same song to help set a good sleep pattern once they are born.

- It IS possible to deliver a baby without tears or cuts. Yes, I am SO going there because I am just learning about all of this stuff myself and I'm in a state of disbelief and shock! (When I tried to tell Mike about this part of class he quickly said, "Ok... too much information," and changed the subject.) For real though, nurses will come into your room and apply hot compresses down there... they will even massage your southern areas in order to create maximum (um) elasticity! Not sure how I feel about any of this, but I guess you have to choose between the lesser of two evils!

- Kids can remember the books you read them while in utero.

- Kids develop a sense of hearing and a sense taste 2-3 months post conception.

- A 12-week old fetus weighs less than an asprin.

- According to wikipedia, a doula is an assistant who provides various forms of non-medical and non-midwifery support in the childbirth process. Don't laugh... I am going to be Carli's doula. :)