Sunday, May 5, 2013

Back in OZ - Round 2

We are back in OZ and the past three weeks have been un-eventfully eventful. It was harder to leave home this time... I think some of the excitement and romance of a new place had worn off. On top of that I was dealing with jet lag, a sick kiddo, and several projects heating up at work.

This was the first time I've had to deal with fever and it was quite scary. We went to the doctor 4 times in (I think) 36 hours. We were forced to deal with all types of conversions: Fahrenheit to Celsius, pounds to kilograms, acetaminophen to panadol... stressful, particularly when a doctor is telling you that your child is at risk for febrile convulsions. I really needed my mom! Poor Keller was so hot and so miserable and I was so tired and so freaked out. Very, very grateful it is over. Gave me a lot of perspective! Incredibly thankful to have an overall healthy child.

On the plus side, since we've been back we had a visit from JJ Kasper. We went to our first Ausie Rules football game. And we are filling Keller's schedule with lots of individual activities like Punjabi lessons, mini maestros, swimming, and babyroo.

"Normalcy," in terms of the cadence of our life, has been good for Mike and me. It is forcing us to learn how to communicate at a deeper level. In Australia, we truly only have one another to turn to so we are learning how to work together in new ways.

We are still unsure about when we will be back in the states for good. Hoping to have some of those details ironed out in the next week or so!

P.S. We now have a car and I have gotten quite good at lefty-driving. I joined a gym and went to my first Pilates class! We have fallen in love with 2 nannies, J and Jane. And, I watch (and vote for singers on) The Voice Australia featuring Seal and Ricky Martin as judges. Ha!