Thursday, August 27, 2009

Is a home really a home without drama?

It has been over a month since I posted about our leaky roof... and for a short time, I thought the situation had been resolved thanks to a simple fix. Unfortunately, the torrential rains that came through Greensboro over the past week and a half proved that this is/was not the case. So, Mike arranged for two different companies to come out to assess the situation yesterday; both agreed we need a new roof and will likely need to fix some water damage in the upstairs ceiling. NOT FUN! So the question of the day is whether we shingle over the old roof (which I had never heard of) or have them tear the old shingles off and start fresh. I vote for the "fresh" option... the more expensive option, of course. Still waiting to hear hubby's opinion.

On top of the roof issue, we have hit another home owner's road block. Our downstairs furnace is shot and must be replaced. Apparently there is something stuck in the canal, there are mismatched parts and there are cracks in the piping. One of the AC guys who came out the other weekend to take a look at the system just kept repeating, "this is a big mess, this is a big mess" over and over again. I finally had to ask him if he would stop saying that. He was about to put me over the edge!

Last but not least, I experienced my first error message on our washer and dryer this weekend. I was running around trying to get out the door so we could go watch the last day of the Wyndham tournament, when I happened to notice a bubble bath exploding out of the washing machine! When I looked at the display screen it said “SUD” and I wanted to scream back at it, “No Sh**! Tell me what in the world I am supposed to do to stop the white volccano that is now streaming into the hallway!!!” Thankfully my mom was over and felt fairly confident the "SUD" problem was caused by user error. After scooping what seemed like an impossible amount of bubbles out of the machine, I decided to retire the super-concentrated detergent I bought at Target, and go back to the good-ole regular stuff.

Things are calmer around the Bucy household tonight. Aside from being hot, I am safe, happy and thankful to be able to call such a cozy (slightly bruised) place home.