Friday, September 25, 2009

Are there really only 6 days left in September... how can one month go by so quickly????

Despite the warp speed at which things have transpired, the past three weeks have proved to be an incredibly productive period in my life. Greatest set of accomplishments revolve around Dustin's GreenHouse! We are growing by leaps and bounds. Check out the DGH site for updates on upcoming events, new activities and some very impressive student accomplishments! I am also proud to say that we have informally launched Leopard Umbrella. My good friend Carli Prillaman is leading this charge; she is already hard at work on several projects.

Bucket List Summary:
  • Write and mail long-overdue thank you notes: Almost Complete
  • Read 1) Judgment of Paris: Almost complete and more fascinated by wines than ever. Part of the reason it is taking me so long to finish this book is because it always makes me crave a glass of wine. Once I start sipping, my ability to focus on the fine print goes downhill; I am continually drawn towards people and conversation!
  • Read 2) So Sexy, So Soon: If I ever finish "Wine" I will start on "Sex"
  • Catch-up on all things GreenHouse: Great strides! Thank you Ash!!!
  • House Stuff 1) Make an appointment with an interior decorator: Kara came last week. Talk about a Pandora’s Box! This is going to be a long and expensive process.
  • House Stuff 2) Get all rooms to a comfortable and functionable point: Much to my husband's dismay, I am sucking wind on this one. It's the Mary Poppins phenomenon... things just keeping coming out of nowhere!
  • Attend a writing workshop: Signed up for the NC Writer's Network event November 21-22
  • Start a "Learning Journal": It's on paper, but definitely needs some pretty-ing up! It's something that will always be a work-in-progress.
  • Finish planters in front yard: The gardening to-do's are increasing... for some reason I bought 90 bulbs at Costco last week. Then Ashley Staton handed me a catalog full of gorgeous roses. I need major help here!
  • Spend time with my amazing sister: I have enjoyed every minute with my little Birdy!!!
  • Go to the beach and have cocktails in the sand dunes at sunset: We did this and more!
  • Develop a workout schedule... yoga, yoga, a little walking, and more yoga: "Schedule" might be a stretch, but the yoga mat has been dusted off and has, once again, seen the light of a studio!
  • Finish flight school: Flight lessons are ongoing. I was very naive to think I could complete everything in a month!
  • Take a cooking class: The cooking class has been tentatively scheduled... we indentified our instructor, now we just need to find a small window of opportunity in her very busy schedule and nail down a date.
  • Start a business: As I mentioned, Carli is at the helm and the ship is starting to set sail.
  • Take golf lessons: Check, but I still suck!
  • Spend time with some of the little people who have a special place in my heart: Another item on the list that has grown with time. Our nieces are coming in town this weekend and I get to see Eli on Monday. I can hardly wait!!