Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Long D's...

Mike and I are trying to figure out the whole long-distance thing. Granted we have been long-distance for the majority of our dating life, engagement and marriage, but this is the first time, since 2006, that we have both been working and apart.

Personal realizations:
- Mr. Myers and Mr. Briggs... I am all "E." It is weird, and slightly uncomfortable for me to come home to a quiet and empty house.

- Working husbands are sexy. I like the suit, I like the conversation, I like the fact that he is out there solving problems and making a difference on a global scale!

- I prefer to cook for 2+. (That probably goes back to the whole Extravert thing.)

- Thank goodness for Addie. A recurring blessing in my life.

- Good neighbors make a world of difference. Gary and Carrie are constantly checking on me, Carli is just a few blocks away and Betty brings over sweet goodies like homemade pecan pie.

- Long-working-distance relationships require strong communication skills and strategy.

- I like staying "fluffed" and having a special dinner ready on Thursday evenings (the night Mike typically gets back in town). Yes, it feels a little old fashion, but the desire is genuine. Addie and I are almost on the street corner waiting for him to turn onto Wallace Drive.