Monday, December 21, 2009

Baby Steps

It’s nearing 1:30am, Band-Aids adorn both of my hands and our playroom is an absolute disaster, but I think I am actually making some progress with regards to my sewing skills. “Yes, you read that right. S-E-W-I-N-G!”

Some of you may recall the last time I decided to dabble in the world of needles and threads. The goal was to make a doggie outfit for Addie; the end result was a ridiculous placemat type-of-thing and a two year hiatus from my sewing machine. (Visual reminder of attempt number 1:

Thanks to some telephone coaching from Missy and an actual tutorial from a new friend at church, I am inching my way closer to producing items that are somewhat normal, one stitch at a time.

P.S. I am well aware of the "growth" bubbling up around the ankle bone area of this stocking. If you run into Heidi, please tell her it's going to be a few more years before I am ready.