Friday, February 5, 2010

This is what happens when I am completely unproductive...

The hubby is stuck in Miami, I have about 100 emails that I need to catch-up on and I am oh-so-distracted. So... I have decided to turn tonight into a completely unproductive evening and share some of the random thoughts that are on my mind tonight.

1) What caused our gas bill to go through the roof last month? Not Kidding!!! Being that Mike travels Monday - Thursday we are technically a one & a half person family occupying a three bedroom house. How can we have a $400+ gas bill? Upon seeing this astronomical expense Sunday afternoon, I raced upstairs and began quizzing my husband on what contributes to a gas bill. Ironically, or not, he had no clue. The only thing we could identify as an absolute factor were our gas logs. So please let me know if you can shed light on this domestic dilemma! Piedmont Natural Gas has to stop pillaging the Bucy household!

2) Babies, babies, babies! I am not exaggerating when I say I am close to being the only woman left in our circle of friends who can still enjoy a glass of wine over dinner. Amidst all of these maternal miracles, I am also gaining a new appreciation for the female body, learning how to navigate through Babies-R-Us despite their cryptic gift registries and showing significant improvement at measuring things in weeks as opposed to “real time.” Here is a start to a list of all my mommies-to-be:
  • Parker
  • Cecelia
  • Amy
  • Alisha
  • Hillary
  • Carrie
  • Carli
  • Abby
  • Kara
  • Brae
  • Margaret
  • Whitney
  • Emily
  • Christina
  • Sheresa
  • And one to be disclosed next week :)
  • P.S. Congrats to our newest moms, Emily and Lori!
3) Please let the roads be clear on Saturday afternoon. This is such a vain and selfish request, but every time I schedule an appointment to have my hair cut and highlighted, it snows. I am going to be a brunette by spring time if this continues.