Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bi-Continental Life Continues

We are back... and it looks like we are going to be in the 2-1 pattern for a while - two months here and one month back in the states.

This stint back in OZ marks a real turning point in my life. I had to resign from my job. The firm was incredibly gracious to let me work through a 14 hour time difference for six months. When we found out it would be longer,  the arrangement started to get hazy and I began to feel like a square peg in a round hole. Mike and I both knew that his project here would put my career in jeopardy there. I guess only time will tell whether it was a good decision or bad.

I am coming to grips with my professional pause. It's emotional and a little dizzying (if that makes any sense) but I am doing my best to take advantage of less stress and more time with Keller. The scary thing is that you quickly start to question how you ever had time to work in the first place. Chasing a toddler around is no easy feat!

In terms of life here, it's winter. Thankfully it has not been too rainy and the temperature has been pretty mild - in the 50's and 60's. Not too shabby! We are still on the waiting list at the Montessori school. Keller is back in the pool for weekly swimming lessons and we just started a term of pee-wee (koala) soccer. (Don't tell Mike, but Keller is pretty bad. He's far more interested in picking up the beanbag perimeter than chasing the ball, and I really don't think he understands the concept of kicking.) I will try to get a picture of the madness next week, but in the meantime, here's our little guy in his new uniform.