Monday, July 29, 2013

Montessori Mania

I got a call late last week letting me know a spot had (finally) opened up in the parent toddler program at Melbourne Montessori and today was our first day! I have been so excited about this - and to be honest I am not exactly sure why... I think part of my emotional attachment comes from feeling like I am doing a bad job - at times. It's hard not to take temper tantrums, impatience and "the like" personally. Environments that offer ideas of how to add productive structure to Keller's life are always appreciated.) The other piece that's a bit emotional is wanting to feel accepted into a community here. As "easy" as it is to live in Melbourne (no real language barrier, familiar foods, etc.) it's still a foreign place, and that foreign-ness weighs particularly heavy when it come to things like doctors, church and school.

So hurray! We are in and day-one was an adventure. Keller is the youngest (and most outgoing) in the class. While all of the other kids worked nicely on their mats Keller spent a good 20 minutes running around in circles with a blue peg from one of the "posting" jobs hanging out of his mouth. He was very good at socializing and enjoyed playing with the other kids' jobs (and taking pieces of those jobs for a run-about too)!

Snack time was interesting. We were the only family with a sippy cup, which I quickly pulled off the table and slipped into my pocket. Montessori wants the kids to sit at a mini-person's table and eat off a GLASS plate - which sits on a placemat - and drink out of a real mini-person's cup which they - are supposed to - fill with water out of a mini-person's pitcher. Ha! If you saw my picture of Keller eating in his highchair on facebook the other day, you will understand how far-fetched all of this sounds!

On the plus side, Keller excelled at the music circle and on the playground, and I am sure we will improve in all of the other areas with a little practice (mom included). :)